The science behind Heliopatch is similar to that of a battery, where an anode (the patch) provides an electron to a cathode (free radicals in your body). Free radicals cause damage to your body’s cells, and the relief Heliopatch provides is the result of neutralizing these molecules through the following process:
- When you apply the patch, magnesium in the patch oxidizes, releasing negatively charged electrons into the body.
- The electrons from the magnesium seek out positively charged free radicals, providing them with an electron they would otherwise steal from healthy cells in your body, thereby damaging healthy tissue.
- The neutralized free radicals are now harmless. The more free radicals you have within range of the patch, the faster the transfer of electrons takes place, making the Heliopatch a self-adjusting remedy. You should feel the results within 10 to 20 minutes of applying the patch, and will last for a duration of 48-72 hours total.